Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Little Less Rosy?

Well, it's D minus 2 until our next gospel encounter and things are not really up and running.

For one thing we still don't have a place to meet. The town parish had offered us a room but have never got back in touch, despite pestering by one of our singers, to say whether it is in fact possible on Thursday evenings. As we were waiting for a reply for them we put the town hall on hold - they asked us for a year-planner of dates we would like to use one of the municipal facilities but we were waiting for the parish answer first and now it's probably too late. Not sure how this will be resolved. Maybe we'll find another basement and start a sort of trail from basement to basement. We could finish the year with a quiz on people's underground amenities!!
Question 1 : Who served us cake in their basement?
Question 2 : Whose basement smelled of fuel?
and so forth!
What would an appropriate prize be??

Further complications are my lack of mastery of the songs on the agenda!! I have pretty much got the sopranos covered - but then they have the melody most of the time. I have more difficulty with remembering the alto and tenor parts. I can follow the music (although I admit to cheating with the bass clef and pencilling in the notes as I'm taking too long to decipher with the help of "All Cows Eat Grass" and "Good Boys Deserve Favour Always"!!!)but ideally I would like to be paper free. A lot of it is a question of time - one luxury I have very little of.

I tinkered with the idea of adding the bass line to the harmonisation of "Were You There?" but gave up as it is a superb but tricky line to learn and we only have one bass (one has already abandoned after the first rehearsal)and I'm not sure he's up to holding the fort on his own.

As for "Jesus on the Mainline" - I am almost ready if I follow the music. I am going to have the sopranos sing the solo part and see how that sounds. If that doesn't work then I shall have to look further into a piano accompaniment - what makes me loathe to give Ben the sheet music is that he will realise I'm not respecting the timing at all! I always hated maths and prefer to do things by feel than by counting! Besides which, the original idea was to be a-cappella so we couldn't have too many rest bars of silence. Mind you, the harmonisation would be much easier to find if we had the piano.

I shall keep practising (and praying) beofre Thursday and hope for the best. Of course I'll blog and let you know after the fact.
Keep singing.



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