Sunday, October 08, 2006

Reaching out

I want to tell you about Frances (not her real name, but then you don't think I'm really called Gospella do you???)
Frances is a lady of about 60 who sings with our village choir. She's very quiet and reserved, she doesn't have a powerful voice and isn't always sure she's on key, but she likes music and enjoys singing. In 2005 I managed to persuade her to come along to the gospel course. She was really nervous and worried she'd somehow 'fail' and didn't relish the thought of singing in public (which is odd as she takes part in all the village choir's concerts).
Well I can honestly say that she has been transformed by the experience.

After that first course I directed a gospel number with our whole choir and as I conducted I saw her come alive. She had become enthusiastic, joyful to watch and opened her mouth so wide, letting out such a strong sound - she was hardly the same person.
Needless to say, she came along to the summer course again this year and has signed up to join us with our new group.
Frances doesn't speak English and always asks me the meaning of the texts we have to sing and she writes a little translation at the top of her wordsheets. She says it really helps her. I don't think she means just musically as I know she is a practising catholic.

For those not familiar with the French 'id', they are very reluctant to speak of faith, almost as if religion were a dirty word. Prayer is most definitely confined to mass and loud gospel music is not something that enters into worship. (I realise I am doing many faithful in France a disservice by writing this but I do like to challenge people's status quo! Please take no offence.)
I was, therefore, overjoyed when Frances explained to me that she was very excited at having found a new way to pray through gospel music. It took her a lot of courage to say it and she told me she hadn't dared say anything in front of the other choir members.

Her reaction has really encouraged me to agree to this gospel experiment. Someone wise once said it wasn't just a coincidence if gospel music moved people; it was the holy spirit working. I think Frances is a case in point and I hope she's not going to be the only one.



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