Sunday, August 12, 2007

Even more reactions!

Here are some thoughts from Carol. She also says her husband filmed the final concert of the summer course, so if maybe we can make a little link... Meanwhile, here's Carol :

ça fait déjà 3 jours que c'est fini, et j'ai l'impression d'y être encore!!!
Non je ne regrette rien (!).... Pour le concert, quelle bande d'idiotes ses
sopranes qui ont fait des histoires pour ne pas être devant, parce que nous,
avec Maureen, on avait une super vue, chanter à 2 mètres de Karen Gibson et la
voir chanter, je vous promets que c'est un souvenir inoubliable!! Que du
bonheur ces 3 jours ! Si je suis libre l'an prochain, je remets ça! Merci à
notre Gospella pour nous avoir entraîner dans pareil aventure, merci aussi à
vous tous pour votre bonne humeur, votre bon humour et vos bons petits
plats. Je vous souhaite à tous de bonnes vacances, on se retrouve en
septembre avec plaisir.



It's already been three days since everything has finished and I still feel like I'm there!!! I don't regret a moment ("Je ne regrette rien..." dixit Edith PIAF - Gospella) As for the concert, what a bunch of twits there was in the sopranos, all complaining about not wanting to be in front, because Maureen and I had a great view singing two metres away from Karen Gibson and watching her singing too, honestly it was an unforgettable memory!! 3 days of pure joy! If I'm free next year I'm signing up again! Thanks to our Gospella for taking us on this adventure with her, and thanks to all the rest of you for your good humour, your fun and your tasty little dishes. I wish you all happy holidays and see you in September with great pleasure.

It's very interesting what Carol says about the squabbling sopranos. She and I both sing soprano but weren't standing together. I also had constant bickering of sopranos behind me as they all wanted me to stand at the back, saying I was too tall. The problem was, I had to be near the front to get to a microphone for interpreting. I guess some people are never happy!

This wraps up the comments I've received from our group.

Meanwhile I've been composing a song for our choir to learn this autumn : I'm still working on some of the harmonisations but I'm pretty pleased with it so far. I started it before the summer course but have had no time to get back to the writing. I really wish my piano skills were better honed so I could make less of a meal of transferring the music from my head to the page! I have been practising in odd moments of freedom but a hectic lifestyle doesn't leave me much of those and I know I'll never be an accomplished pianist. Never mind. My voice is definitely my instrument. I hope to use it a little more this next year by auditioniing for another gospel choir (while keeping up our un-named one and the village choir, which will mean abandining another activity). I'll let you know what happens there in the autumn.

I think it is time that our "experiment" got a name. It would make us feel a little more permanent. I'll see what our friends can come up with. Your suggestions, dear Reader, are welcome too : just click on "Comments" at the bottom of this article and make your suggestion.
Hope to hear from you soon,

Thursday, August 09, 2007

More reactions

I've been away from the computer for a while and have been lent this one so here are a few more comments on the gospel weekend workshop...

Deirdre writes :

Gospella, bonjour Merci encore pour m'avoir entraînée dans cette aventure, je suis encore sur mon petit nuage, très fatiguée mais heureuse.Et j'avais une fan dans mon bureau lundi matin !!!! alors je n'avais pasl'impression d'être incomprise comme l'année dernière... elle a même filmé et j'ai pu chanter !!! super !Bon, côté blog, je suis un peu fatiguée pour lire les nouveautés,imagine la concentration que cela demande, tu sais je pense.A très bientôt
Dierdre qui chante jour et nuit dans ma tête Promis, à la rentrée je m'y remets.

Hello Gospella,
Thanks again for dragging me into this adventure, I'm still on my little cloud, tired but happy. And I had a new fan in my office on Monday morning!!! so at least I was understood by someone, unlike last year... she even filmed and I could sing along!!! Great! As for your blog, I'm a bit tired to read all the new stuff, imagine the concentration that would require , I'm sure you know what I mean. See you very soon,
Deirdre, singing night and day in my head> I promise to take up the singing again in September.

Deirdre writes (again) !!
Bonjour à tous ceux présents aux pique-niques,
Cela fait trois jours que je mange de la pizza. Epique, tu peux le dire.
En tout cas, merci Gospella again and again and again…………………………………
Je suis restée sur un petit nuage musical pendant 4 jours et j'étais à me demander si il n'y aurait pas d'autres stages Gospel ailleurs ? en France ?
Je serai des vôtres dès la rentrée avec joie.
Merci à Elaine de nous avoir éclairés de phares, c'était une idée lumineuse et sucrée .
Merci à Frances d'être toujours aussi douce et adorable (les prunes étaient délicieuses)
Merci à Ben d'avoir chanté dans tous les registres (c'est Terry qui va être jaloux) et bon, pour le vin, je suis abstème mais je trouve l'idée conviviale.
Merci à Jack de nous avoir rejoints avec bonne humeur comme d'habitude. Les rillettes étaient les bienvenues.
Merci à Maureen (en retard) pour toutes les photos envoyées progressivement, j'ai bien ri. La confiture sur le gâteau, c'était comme the top of the cake (c'est ça Gospella ?).
Merci à Carol pour son taboulet, même si je n'en n'ai pas mangé, il avait l'air bon, et j'enverrai des photos quand je saurai les compresser, vous verrez qu'elle se donne à cœur et à corps dans le gospel sur scène !
Merci à Mary pour la menthe sur le melon, c'est hyper important, et maintenant il lui faudra expliquer à la rentrée comment fonctionnent les cordes vocales (instruments plus ou moins importants) mais Gospella pourra traduire… Imaginez déjà les basses à entendre ce jargon … ho on est bien !
J'espère que je n'oublie personne. C'est dans toutes les fins de concerts ainsi et c'était du professionnel ! J'en ai encore la chaire de poule .
Moi je pense qu'on devrait prendre des cours d'anglais pour être plus performants, 'isn't it Gospella '? et c'est absolument nécessaires dans les pique-niques.
Bonnes vacances à vous et à très bientôt
Deirdre à la menthe

Thanks to everyone at the picnics : I've been eating pizza for three days! Epic, you might say.
Anyway, thanks to Gospella again and again and again.............
I stayed on my little musical cloud for four days and started to wonder if there were other gospel courses somewhere in France?
I'll rejoin you all in September with pleasure.
Thanks to Elaine for all her custard pies a 'illuminated' and sweet idea (the cake bears the same name in French as a lighthouse - Gospella)
Thanks to Frances for being as gentle and adorable as ever (the plums were delicious)
Thanks to Ben for singing in all registers ( Terry's going to be jealous). As for the wine i don't drink but it was a convivial idea.
Thanks to Jack for his usual good humour. The coarse pate was very welcome.
Thanks (belatedly) to Maureen for all the photos which made me laugh. The cherry on the cake " on top of the cake" - is that right, Gospella?
Thanks to Carol for her taboule even if I couldn't eat any, it looked delicious. I'll send on the photos when I've found out how to zip them and you'll all see how she gives body and soul to gospel on stage!
Thanks to Mary for the mint on the melon. It's very important and now she'll have to explain how the vocal cords work when the village choir meets again ( whatever the size of your instrument!) Gospella can translate - I can already see the basses listening to the jargon - oh this is fun!
I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. They always say that at end of the show - and it was very professional! I still get goose bumps thinking about it.
I think we should all take English lessons so we're more efficient "innit, Gospella"? and it's vital for the picnics!
Have a good holiday everyone and see you soon.
Minty Deirdre

There's more but this isn't my computer so it'll have to wait.
Love bilingually,